In the center of the village of Drosopigi, at an altitude of 830 meters, the Notaras Mansion, a three-story house with wide verandas and an inner courtyard, remains almost intact to this day. Close to the house, less than 20 meters away, stands the “Tower of Notaras.” The mansion is known from the references of Leake to have belonged to Sotirakis Notaras. The English traveler mentioned the existence of the house when he visited the area in the early 19th century, so the building has stood in the center of Drosopigi for over 200 years.
Drosopigi is considered the second seat of the Notaras family, after Trikala, and locals believe that the village was founded by an ancestor of the legendary family. Local tradition says that Lord Notaras passed through the area and temporarily tied his horse to one of the village’s numerous fountains. However, when he returned from his excursion, he found it devoured by a wolf!
Today, the Notaras Mansion is owned by descendants of the original owners and stands proudly, though heavily damaged by time and lack of maintenance. Visitors can admire it only from the outside as a complete architectural work whose walls and courtyards have witnessed significant moments in modern Greek history.